Heaven We Need

This flexible instrumentation piece is a soundscape for a minimum of 4 musicians plus atmospheric sounds, which can be created by additional live musicians or pre-recorded. The piece is intended to create a gentle, comforting place in which the performers and listeners can escape the stresses, anxieties, and horrors of the world; a meditative sound world of crickets, wind, a wandering melody hummed quietly, wind chimes in the distance; no sudden movements, nothing insistent, no virtuosity, no ego.
Link to recording: https://soundcloud.com/third-coast-percussion/05-heaven-we-need-by-robert/s-qzlZE1cpO6z?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
The first rendition of Heaven We Need was recorded with two marimbas, one vibraphone, and crotales, plus atmospheric sounds such as sparse guiro and temple block notes and paper rubbed on a drumhead. The work has since been performed by percussion ensembles, symphonic bands, and other mixed ensembles. The individual parts are easy to play and allow for a great deal of flexibility, but to be successful, the piece requires musicians who can make beautiful sounds on their instruments, and who are patient enough to be comfortable with space. Performers can be spread out throughout a concert hall or other performance space, especially if performing with a larger ensemble.
Flexible duration, generally 7-12 minutes
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